About the moment

About Manifest Security

Manifest Security (Private) Limited is a company that was established in 1994 with the object of providing professional security services

The company is legally licensed through the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is actually a requirement in terms of Section 12[1] of the Private Investigators and Security Guards [Control] Act, Chapter 27:10. The organization has two directors namely Mr. Ernest Makandigona Shora and Ms. Amanda Thwala. The The organization has two directors namely Mr. Ernest Makandigona Shora and Ms. Amanda Thwala.

The company has a staff complement of 550 employees. This includes four managers, one switchboard operator, two secretaries, three Chief Inspectors, one Inspector, ten SergeantMajors, fifteen Sergeants, thirty Corporals and forty Lance Corporals and the rest are ordinary guards

Our policy is to recruit and retain the best talent that is available on the market. This talent is homegrown. 80 % of the security guards in our employment are people we train and in whom we have inculcated spirit and skills

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